Our songs – s. Katerína

Songs preview

  1. Si začiatok i koniec (You Are The Beginning And The End)
  2. Pane zmiluj sa (Lord, Have Mercy On Us)
  3. Chváľme Pána (Praise The Lord)
  4. Môj Pán (My Lord)
  5. Hosanna
  6. Baránok Boží (The Lamb of God)
  7. Veni Sancte Spiritus
  8. Zvelebujte Pána (Praise The Lord)
  9. Hľa prichádza (Here He comes)
  10. Oslavná (The Celebration Song)
  11. Už deň sa zakončieva (The Day Is Coming To An End)

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Music and Text: Amálka

Production and Mastering: Marsen (Martin Pétery)

Participated on the recording:

  • Amálka (Andrea Hercegová) – song, tenor flute, double flute
  • Marsen (Martin Petery) – guitars, mandolin, Slovak shepherd’s fipple flute
  • Klaretia (Katarína Veselá) – soprano flute and alto flute
  • Mildred (Mária Buranová) – alto flute
  • Marimor (Michal Cenker) – acoustic guitar
  • Atys (Adam Hoz) – drum


S. Katerína (St. Catherine) is a musical ensemble of people connected thanks to Katarínka. Members of s. Katerína with hundreds of other enthusiasts try to save the monastery and keep genius loci of this place. Young people from all parts of Slovakia come to Katarínka every year to contribute to the project by their voluntary work aimed at conserving this historical monument. They spend a two weeks’ time without gizmos and gadgets of the modern civilization; they live as “monks” – members of St. Catherine’s order. S. Katerína members’ names result from the summer camps, where every participant is given a unique “religious” name. This is a very practical tradition as nobody is addressed by the same name, and so the community as the whole and its individual members get a sense of uniqueness and originality.

The purpose of recording s. Katerína album was to capture the mass that has been composed and played at Katarínka.

Where and when we play?

You can listen to us live during public events of Katarínka. Preview of us playing live: